
Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about how to fill out the application and about a collaboration with us, if you do not find an answer to your question contact us here.

What should the photos look like for the application?

They should be more like passport photos rather than a fashion shoot. No professional photos needed! We are looking for natural photos, so no makeup or oversized accessories (like earrings or glasses) that could be distracting. Hair must be clean, natural and away from the face. No special poses are required, assume an upright but relaxed position. Don't smile in the photos, keep a natural and relaxed expression; you have the opportunity to show us your personality and, if you want, your smile in the free photo! We need to be able to see the shape of your body, wear tight clothes like skinny jeans and a solid color top. For best results, ask someone to take your photos with your phone and take them in natural light but not in direct sunlight. A neutral wall is the most suitable background.

How should I take the measurements?

Wear underwear/bikini and get measured by someone you feel comfortable with. Remember that measurements must always be taken on the widest part (chest / breast and hips) and narrowest (waist) to ensure that they are correct!

Will I have to come to the agency for a meeting?

After an initial evaluation of your application on the basis of the information and photos you have sent, in case we consider it interesting to continue, we will contact you for a meeting at the agency. Getting to know each other in person is the best way to start building a good partnership. If you are a minor, we remind you that the contact details of your parents/legal guardians will be the only ones we will use to contact you to propose an appointment at the agency and that their presence will be necessary during the meeting.

I am a minor, can I work with you?

Yes, as long as your application is approved by your parents/legal guardians. For this reason we ask you to provide us with an e-mail address, a telephone number and other data of your parents/legal guardians, whose contact details will be the only ones we will use if we intend to contact you to propose a meeting in the agency.

I don't think I have the physical characteristics to be a model, do I have a chance?

In this world, different situations require different requirements, so don't worry about not being suitable, if you want to try, send us your application! If we think you have the right features, we will talk about it transparently and decide together how to proceed.